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mercredi 30 décembre 2015

New in France...

Absolutely new in France!

Our test results soon here...
Karolina and Abel

vendredi 25 décembre 2015

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas !!!

Merry Christmas, and may this new year bring you joy and laughter. To be happy is the greatest wish in life.


Karolina and Abel


lundi 21 décembre 2015

Christmas fruit salad...

I would love to share my favourite festive fruit salad recipe. It's a very pleasant marriage of textures, colours and tastes. It can be served as a main low fat meal (more for raw vegan enthusiast) or simply as a festive starter. I like to serve it in a nice glass decorated with parsley for nice dinner starter.

For this recipe you will need a secret ingredient that gives this special texture contrast: a bag of mung bean sprouts. I Absolutely love this product, that's very easy to serve, has a great taste and is a real nutritional bomb... I love to add it to my sweet or savoury salads, it's a real healthy fast food! You open a box and your meal is half-ready!

Crunchy and fresh mung bean sprouts pared with soft and delicate fruit create a very nice mouth feeling and a real texture surprise. I choose mangoes and pears for this salad but you can try some other fruit like papaya and bananas, oranges and mangoes, apples and bananas, etc...

Festive fruit salad

Tips: Sweetness and fragrance of fruit is a real key to achieve an excellence in this recipe!


  • 2 large mangoes
  • 2 large pears (or 4 small)
  • 1 handful of dried cranberries
  • 3 stalks of celery
  • 1/2 box of mung bean sprouts
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon 
  • 1/2 orange

Cut mangoes and pears into pieces. Cut celery stalks into small pieces. Squeeze the juice from a half of an orange. Put all ingredients into a salad bowl and mix well. Less marinate for a few minutes (you can make it in advance) and serve.

I hope you will enjoy this recipe!
Please comment if you tried it! What's your secret festive salad ingredient?

We wish you a very nice, unique and healthy Christmas!
Karolina and Abel

dimanche 25 octobre 2015

What we ate today... HCLF raw vegan

We invite you to join us for a one day of a raw vegan diet (if you are not already on that journey!). This is an example of a fully raw day from last week. I hope it will be some inspiration for you.

To start the day

It's excellent to drink a lot of water in the morning, to hydrate and flush out all toxins from your body. We usually take between 500ml to 1L of warm water in the morning with or without a few drops of lemon juice. I like to put my glass into my Pentaspere for at least 30 min. or a whole night before drinking it to re-energise the water to it's living structure. Pentasphere is an excellent healing tool that boost your cells to find their natural divine vibration, it's purifies the cells from all ancient negative memories and charges and guides us to reveal our all potential here on earth. Pentaspere is also called "the Door of Angels" (or for the Angels) and connects us directly with the higher frequencies and the harmonious whole of the Universe as well as our guides and personal Angels.


We looove green smoothies in the morning. Each of us has it's own recipe selection. I'm not a big fan of bananas (at least what's available here...) so my smoothies are quite versatile, Abel is more spinach and banana lover. Green Smoothies are full of nutrients and fibre, but also of good calories and protein. I share with you today my morning recipe of this week.

Green "Grapes and Raisins" smoothie

  • I cup sweet purple grapes (here it's muscat variety)
  • 4 fresh mozafati dates 
  • 2 big handfuls of spinach
  • 1 handful of parsley
  • 1 Tsp of barley grass juice powder
  • 1tsp Klamath Algea
  • 1 1/2 cup water (or more if desired)
Put everything into your Vitamix blender and blend well. Serve.
You can add some bananas if you wish to make that smoothie more calorie dense.


For lunch I had a plate of persimmons. I love persimmons, even if we don't have many varieties here. I like them very soft, almost liquid and mixed with parsley. Persimmons are a wonderful autumn - winter fruit rich in calories and vitamins. Abel took his second banana/spinach smoothie and some pears.



We like to have some fruit as a snack before dinner. It helps us to feel satisfied with vegetable based salad with some whole plant fat in it (sometimes without). Fruit adds some additional calories. I had 3 apples and some grapes and Abel 3 more bananas.


In the evening we had very large salads with fresh greens (curly endive and feuilles de chêne lettuce) served with broccoli-carrot-fresh herb "couscous" and a bit of our pear "mayonnaise" (the recipe is in our french ebook "Le Cru Festif"). It was just a haven! 

raw vegan "couscous"

Pear low fat "Mayonnaise" (we had a white version without spirulina)
What do you have for dinner? You prefer Raw or Cooked?

You don't know how to start or how to progress on your Raw Vegan health path? Our Question Answer session is there just for you!

Have a fruity day!
Karolina and Abel

samedi 26 septembre 2015

Autumn raw vegan salad dressing (Low Fat)

I love good salad dressings that help eat large raw vegan evening plates with pleasure. For me the key for the satisfying evening meal is hidden in the sauce! You can eat the same vegetables every evening, but if you change the sauce, everything changes along with it. That's why I'm constantly looking for new flavours, new associations, new textures. We've just finished writing an ebook with low fat raw vegan dressings and I hope it will be available soon for you as well. But it's still a secret :)

Today I would like to share with you a very nice autumn recipe for a low fat raw vegan salad dressing. This sauce is excellent with all raw salads. At the moment I love it with spinach, grated carrots and kohlrabi, tomatoes and lot's of parsley! In that dressing I use swiss chard stalk instead of celery to salt it up a little bit. I found it even more pleasant than celery that is often too bitter and slightly pungent here...

Autumn raw vegan low fat salad dressing

  • 1 yellow bell pepper
  • 1 small tomato
  • a small piece of mild red onion (or green onions)
  • 1 large white stalk of swiss chard
  • 1tbs of hemp seeds (you can add more or less if you wish)
  • small piece of fresh ginger
  • 1/4 tsp of old style french mustard (optional)
  • fresh or dried dill to taste
Chop yellow bell pepper, tomato and swiss chard stalk into pieces. Simply add everything into your Vitamix blender and blend until silky smooth. Serve over your salad of choice.
You can need to add some water, but me, I do prefer this dressing on the thick side.
You can also play with different herbs and spices or if you don't follow 80/10/10 style, feel free to add some soy sauce, salt or even nutritional yeast. I think it will be very tasty like that too.
This dressing is also awesome with any type of steamed vegetables.

I hope you will enjoy this recipe, let me know if you tried it!
Have a wonderful weekend!

Confused about a healthy living path? You have many questions about your lifestyle and food you should fuel your cells with? You struggle with your weight, diet, health or energy levels? We can help you:
Sacred Raw Food Coaching

Our aim is to help you transform your life in a smooth and healthy way!


dimanche 13 septembre 2015

When you need some energy...

Every once in a while, everyone passes through a difficult time in his or her life. Life will always offer us some challenges, the question is how do we deal with it?
When I feel tired, discouraged, emotionally drained, I wont wait, I do act immediately! I boost my emotional and physical strength by slightly modifying food that I eat. I add to my morning green smoothie 3 common superfoods. What a deal would you say? The secret is that all 3 taken together does the miracles!
  1. MACA - maca is a common and well known superfood. Maca has a pleasant taste and is rich in many nutrients. It is excellent to increase energy and stamina, to boost libido and fertility and to balance female (red maca) and male (black maca) hormones. Maca supports female cycle, pregnancy and breast-feeding. It's an excellent plant for physical, mental and hormonal strength. You can read more about maca here: The Best Selection of Certified Organic Maca Products Anywhere
  2. SPIRULINA - Spirulina is also very rich in nutrients, protein and iron. It's an excellent energy booster. I don't take spirulina every day, but I experienced a lot of benefits doing a 14 - 21 day cure a few times per year. You can find it here.
  3. BARLEY GRASS JUICE POWDER - is the one supplement that I take mostly every day. It's an excellent source of minerals and protein. Every day usage prevents deficiencies, it's very important if you're living in northern climates where fruit is rarely left to ripen naturally and lacks lots of minerals. You can get an excellent barley grass juice powder here

     And now, let's go to the recipe:

Energy boosting green smoothie (LFRV)

  • 2 generous handfuls of spinach
  • 1 handful of parsley
  • 1 large apple or pear
  • 3 to 6 bananas
  • 1tsp spirulina powder
  • 1tsp red maca powder (or regular maca)
  • 1Tbs barley grass juice powder
Core and cut the apple into pieces. Put greens and apple pieces into your blender, add a cup of water and blend it until smooth. Add bananas and powders into the blender and blend again just until incorporated and smooth. Enjoy!
Take this smoothie for at least a few days to experience the benefits.

When I need some emotional and physical support, energy and protection I also keep my Genesa Crystal close to me! It's energy and vibration helps tremendously! 

Have an energetic day!
Therapist and Holistic Health Coach

vendredi 4 septembre 2015

John McDougall MD the prove for veganism

I'm not for a starch solution diet, but I think that any vegan diet is great for humans. Then, do you eat mostly starch or mostly fruit is up to you, but both works well!

I do prefer fruit, but when I don't have any ripe fruit available I would go for steamed potatoes and greens!

Anyway, it's a very interesting talk.

jeudi 20 août 2015

Grapes, raw food and a mono-diet

Grape season is coming! I love sweet, crispy, juicy and colourful grapes. The best variety of the beginning of the season here in France are Cardinal grapes. They are round, big, deep purple colour and sweet.

Here in France a mono-diet of grapes is very popular amongst people that are organic food enthusiasts. There are even special boxes marked "cure de raisins" at the Whole Foods (here the chain names Biocoop).
Fruit stays in general an expensive treat in France and it is not a paradise here for a raw foodist, but grapes are at least worth it's price!
Grapes are a real superfood! They are very rich in phytonutrients (more than 15 different components). Grapes have a very active antioxidant power due to their rich vitamins content and mineral profile but also some more unusual nutrients like: resveratrol. They have a powerful anti-inflammatory action, are very purifying and detoxifying but at the same time are very nutritious! Unfortunately, it's more in the bitter skin and seeds that we can find all of that precious nutrients.
How to benefit from grapes? I love blending them in the nutritious smoothies, where skins and seeds can be pulverised for me. I do also like mono-meal on them or snack when I'm hungry. I love grapes as a treat before my evening meal. Sometimes I add some grapes to a green juice (I don't juice very often...), but it's rather an expensive technique... Why not add them even to an evening salad as well?

To properly clean the body, nothing more simple than mono-meal on grapes (with skin and seeds!) for a few days. A grape island can last from 1 to 14 days! It's very helpful to change varieties throughout that period to have more nutrients and more pleasure. You eat in general from 1 to 3 kg of grapes enjoying them on 5 to 6 smaller meals per day (but you can have some more...). The results are marvellous!

And to sum up, a green sweet smoothie recipe:

Green Grape Smoothie

2 cups of grapes
1 to 2 pears
1 cup of spinach leaves
1tsp spirulina powder (optional)

Put all ingredients into your Vitamix blender and blend well! Enjoy!

Have a fruity day!

mercredi 12 août 2015

Food and consciousness - YouTube

Food and consciousness!

I invite you to have a look at that video, where very interesting topics are covered. 

Food and consciousness - YouTube

Since we started eating a raw vegan low fat diet our consciousness widely expanded. It's thanks to this life style that we are able to create Sacred Forms and to be clear-sighted therapists that can see and feel right away how to help the person that comes for help... Every time that we have some cooked food, a bit of sugar, etc... when we eat out, we feel it right away that this food doesn't support nor our body neither our mind...

The pure vegan and raw diet helps us to grow every single day more and more...

Have a fruity day

Karolina and Abel

mercredi 29 juillet 2015

What we ate today (low fat raw vegan)

Every now and then we will share here "what we ate today" to give you an idea about raw vegan low fat living style in Europe. Of course it would be extremely nice to live in the tropics and that's our goal for the future, but now we are here and we will are hope to inspire you and assure you that staying raw in colder climates is still possible.

We started our day with our daily big green smoothie. Mine (smaller) was based on peaches and dates with "chénopode multicolore" (lamb's quarters variety that is bigger and tender than the wild one and that you can easily grow on your own till december frosts) from our garden and Abel had his classic banana/spinach smoothie. We add daily a scoop of barley grass juice powder to our morning smoothies to boost up the mineral content of our meals.

Peach/Lamb's quarters smoothie
For lunch we shared a big melon, then we shared 3 Pakistan mangoes. I completed my meal by a few ripe apricots and Abel had another green banana/spinach smoothie.

Kent and Pakistan Mangoes
Later in the afternoon I had a few white peaches as a snack. In the evening (we dinner very early about 6h30-7h) I had a big green salad from the garden with tomatoes, yellow squash and hemp seed/tomato sauce. Abel still wanted another banana/spinach smoothie and he had a similar salad later in the evening.

If you like this post, please share and subscribe :)
Have a fruity day!
Karolina and Abel
To discover more about our life style and what we eat and do, please visit our French blog here Alchimie du Cru

mercredi 15 juillet 2015

Green Smoothie with a New Zealand Spinach

We love green smoothies for breakfast. Just fruit and greens! We are growing some green plants in summer here to have always something fresh to put in our morning smoothie. Today I would like to share with you a recipe with a New Zealand spinach, that grows very well all summer till December night frost. It has a slightly spicy taste, so I use it only in smoothies and sauces (blended). It's very rich in various nutrients!
For Abel, his smoothie is almost always banana based. I do really like some more variety: peaches, pears, apples, strawberries, blueberries, pineapple, cherishes...
This is an example of my morning smoothie:

New Zealand spinach and peach smoothie

New Zealand spinach peach smoothie

In the morning I'm not so hungry, so my smoothies are not very filling, feel free to add some dates or bananas in.
  • 4 to 6 flat peaches
  • 3 big handfuls of freshly picked New Zealand spinach
  • a pinch of vanilla powder
  • water to taste
Blend everything in your Vitamix and enjoy.

See you soon here... Share and like and subscribe if you want more posts and recipies!
Karolina and Abel

mercredi 1 juillet 2015

Green Ice-cream

Welcome on our English version of blog that we've just started. You can explore the French blog that we've been running since 6 years now using TRANSLATE button.
Alchimie du Cru

When it's hot and sunny outside I love eating banana ice-cream for lunch. It's always low fat version made from mostly bananas with a few things added for flavour. Today I made one of my favourite recipes with spinach and spirulina.
We've just received French Spirulina set from Algosud to test and write about on our French blog, but I will share my opinion about their products here as well.

Micro-algeas from Algosud
Their Spirulina is very high quality and the taste is very mild and pleasing. I don't use spirulina every single day, but sometimes I really feel like, maybe it's because the quality of fruit here is not always au rdv...

Here is my recipe:

Green Ice-cream (low fat raw vegan)

4-6 frozen bananas
2 huge handfuls of spinach
1tsp of spirulina powder
1/4 tsp of vanilla powder

Threw all ingredients into your Vitamix blender and mix very well using a tamper. Enjoy immediately!

Green low fat raw vegan Ice-Cream

Have a very nice day
Karolina And Abel