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samedi 26 septembre 2015

Autumn raw vegan salad dressing (Low Fat)

I love good salad dressings that help eat large raw vegan evening plates with pleasure. For me the key for the satisfying evening meal is hidden in the sauce! You can eat the same vegetables every evening, but if you change the sauce, everything changes along with it. That's why I'm constantly looking for new flavours, new associations, new textures. We've just finished writing an ebook with low fat raw vegan dressings and I hope it will be available soon for you as well. But it's still a secret :)

Today I would like to share with you a very nice autumn recipe for a low fat raw vegan salad dressing. This sauce is excellent with all raw salads. At the moment I love it with spinach, grated carrots and kohlrabi, tomatoes and lot's of parsley! In that dressing I use swiss chard stalk instead of celery to salt it up a little bit. I found it even more pleasant than celery that is often too bitter and slightly pungent here...

Autumn raw vegan low fat salad dressing

  • 1 yellow bell pepper
  • 1 small tomato
  • a small piece of mild red onion (or green onions)
  • 1 large white stalk of swiss chard
  • 1tbs of hemp seeds (you can add more or less if you wish)
  • small piece of fresh ginger
  • 1/4 tsp of old style french mustard (optional)
  • fresh or dried dill to taste
Chop yellow bell pepper, tomato and swiss chard stalk into pieces. Simply add everything into your Vitamix blender and blend until silky smooth. Serve over your salad of choice.
You can need to add some water, but me, I do prefer this dressing on the thick side.
You can also play with different herbs and spices or if you don't follow 80/10/10 style, feel free to add some soy sauce, salt or even nutritional yeast. I think it will be very tasty like that too.
This dressing is also awesome with any type of steamed vegetables.

I hope you will enjoy this recipe, let me know if you tried it!
Have a wonderful weekend!

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