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Sacred Raw Food Coaching

We went raw almost 10 years ago. We made a lot of mistakes at that time, because there was anyone to guide us and to help us to filter the available information. Back at that time there weren't so many experienced raw foodists to take advice from. Hopefully I have a lot of knowledge about human body and nutrition (I studied Chinese Medicine and Ayurvedic Nutrition and I'm vegetarian since I was 14) and that I'm very tuned with my body to distinguish a real useful information from a harmful one... Today, both of us, we have a lot of experience and knowledge to guide you towards a very balanced raw vegan or a vegan diet.

There are many paths to a raw food diet or a high raw plant based diet, but we can lead you to one that will give you the most energy, the best digestion and a relief from your health problems. If you need to lose weight it will be done with almost no effort... You will also learn how to love and listen to your body.

What's unique about our coaching? We are a couple so you have a double support and a very close look at your situation from a male and a female perspective. We are long term therapists and we are using Perelandra (MAP) techniques to assist people in a best way possible in Harmony with your inner choices. Our advice will always be adjusted to your Higher choices. To respect your unique life path is a very important point for us. Our coaching program is a deep and holistic approach because your emotions are directly connected to your the food you eat... 

Our aim is to help you transform your life in a smooth and healthy way!



We offer many "packages" so you could choose which one would be the most useful for you. The choice of being guided is not the expensive luxury but an excellent investment in your health and well-being and to have someone who can answer all your questions is a very comfortable and reassuring option!

We don't provide the same answer and don't offer the same path as an absolute truth to everyone, we believe that each person is unique and has unique needs... 



Please email me first to fix the convenient time for both of us of your private Sacred Raw Food Session before you make the payment.

30 minute Question-Answer Session 

This option is for you if you have questions about health, diet, lifestyle and you don't know how to choose between contradicting information available here and there. If you feel lost and confused, we are here to guide you towards the lifestyle that is best for you! 

This session is available by Skype in English, French or Polish. 35€


1h-1h30 Sacred Raw Food Session

This option is for you if you have questions about your diet or health and that your are not interested in a long term assistance. However, we will use this time very effectively to help you make a huge step forward!
This session is available by Skype in English, French or Polish. 70€

1 week Sacred Raw Food Program 

Is for you if you are already on a path to change your diet but you make errors and don't feel successful with what you are doing. We will keep contact the entire week, check your daily food journal and clarify your errors as well as to give you many tips and advice to continue in a successful way!
This Program includes:
  • 2 x 30min. sessions with both of us via Skype
  • Our daily analyse of your food journal
  • Our time needed to analyse your unique situation and to provide the powerful tools to help you make a huge step forward (special foods, essential oils, plants, flower essences, self development techniques and more...)
This program is available by Skype in English, French or Polish.
Total cost: 120€

4 week deep transformation Sacred Raw Food Program

This program is for you if you want to transform your life into a healthy life style or to transition smoothly to a low fat raw vegan diet or a clean vegan diet with our daily support.
This Program will include:
  • 1hour starting session by Skype
  • 3 30min sessions the following weeks
  • Our daily analyse of your food journal
  • Our all extra time needed to analyse your unique situation and to provide the powerful tools (special foods, essential oils, plants, flower essences, self development techniques and more...) to help you make a huge step forward
  • Free and unlimited mailing exchange the entire following moth according your needs
This program is available by Skype in English, French or Polish.
Total cost: 380€

Have a fruity, happy life...
Karolina & Abel

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