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samedi 23 janvier 2016

A recipe from Abel

Today We want to share with you a new recipe specially crated for you par Abel. 
This recipe is done with raw peanuts. It's a quite unique treat and we don't eat it often, but from time to time it's good to change a little bit... Every new product gives you some different nutritional value and we like to introduce something new during long winter months...
The taste of raw peanuts is very different from the grilled and salted ones. When raw they have some raw sweat potato after-taste, a little bit starchy, but it's quite nice with orange juice and some spices.

Raw peanut salad dressing

INGREDIENTS for 2 to 4 servings:
  • 1/4 cup of raw peanuts
  • 1 big orange (juice only)
  • 2 thin slices of leak 
  • 1 tbs of garlic chives (or green onion)
  • 1/2 tsp of French old-fashioned mustard
  • salt and pepper if you wish
Put all ingredients into your blender and blend well adding some more water if necessary. Serve with salads or even rice, steamed vegetables, etc...
This recipe was done with Vitamix S30. (you can get it here with 2 x 600ml cups and 1x 1L200 cup, get your 5% discount with the code "YIEPXA".)

Have a nice weekend!
Karolina et Abel

dimanche 10 janvier 2016

Green Salad Dressing (HCLF)

Today we wanted to share with you a Salad Dressing recipe from our new book "Saucez Cru" that at the moment is available in French, but we will try to translate it into English as well. If you understand French, this book is available in a print and ebook form. You will find there more than 50 recipes that will completely transform your meals... No oil or vinegar is used but instead you will find only whole foods, lots of colour and taste! They are very low fat, but you can adjust all recipes to your liking, you can add some salt or completely omit it... This dressing collection can be useful for all raw enthusiasts, but also vegans, on a starch based diet, on Raw Till 4 or even on a standard diet. They will help you to add some vibrant and nutrient rich sauce to your daily meal plan.
I received my print copy just before Christmas and I can tell you that it's always a deep emotion to touch your book for the first time...

But let's come back to the recipe. This dressing it's a green sauce. It's raw, vegan, low fat and very nutrient dense. Spinach, parsley and some hemp seeds are at the centre of this recipe. Even if you can make this recipe completely fat free, I used some hemps seeds to add some more omega 3 and 6 and some good quality protein. I love hemps seeds from time to time in my salads. I find them very easy to digest and "lighter" than other nuts and seeds. I get my hemps seeds by 1 kg bags and keep them in the fridge, one bag can last for months...

Green Salad Dressing (HCLF Vegan)

  • juice of 1 orange
  • 1/2tsp French organic mustard (optional)
  • 1/2 bunch of parsley
  • 1 cup of spinach (packed) 
  • small piece of sweat onion
  • 1TBS of Hemp Seeds
  • salt and pepper if you wish
Put everything into your blender (we recommend a Vitamix S30 that has convenient small containers) and blend well. Serve immediately over a raw salad or even rice, potatoes or steamed vegetables.

Viamix S30, we are testing it at the moment and will talk about it very soon!!!
Do you like this recipe? Let us know!
Do you want to receive our recipes via email? You are welcome to join our mailing list (on the left, upper corner!).

Have a very nice and green week!
Karolina and Abel

mardi 5 janvier 2016

Our Christmas table...

Do you still think that vegan food is boring and not very feast-like?
Just have a look at our Raw Vegan Christmas table! We were just 2 (our Family is far away, so we shared the evening only via Skype).

We had a hot soup as a starter, I "infuse" some vegetable in hot water and serve it over some raw mushrooms, etc... We don't eat cooked vegetables from the broth, so it's just like a warming tea. It's really excellent.


Then we had agar-agar based vegetable jelly,

And a low fat agar-agar based cashew nut herb cheese:

We also enjoyed a cultured almond cheese and lots of salads and greens with low fat salad dressings:

After that dinner we were rather full and satisfied, but later in the evening we shared a new low fat chocolate tart (recipe soon!). It was divine!

 I hope you enjoyed this small peak into our raw vegan Christmas table...
And you? What did you have for Christmas? Please comment and share...

Excellent new year full of Joy and Health
Karolina and Abel